Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Back home

So I'm finally back from my travel's, at least for the time being. I had such a good time in Boston that I really want to head out there again as soon as I can. So today marked the beginning of my Physical Training. I've been walking all over with that stupid Ruck Sack for a few weks now, and trying to watch what I eat because I need to lose a little weight. Well, I guess I dont need to, but I think it would help alot. So today I got together with my recruiter and we did some PT, pretty basic stuff, push ups, sit ups, flutter kicks, etc. Then came the running.....thats when I really decided I was in trouble. I've never been a fast runner anyway, but the past few years of sitting on the couch sure havent helped me. I ran about 2 miles in 17 minutes, which is a great pace...if your running 5 miles, not so great for a 2 mile run. On the up side...If I was a female....I'd be well within army standards. Oh well, I'm sure that by the time September rolls around, I'll be a little quicker. In fact, I think I have to be a little quicker to even get out of reception and into boot camp proper. My goal is to be able to run the 2 miles in under 15 minutes...14 minutes would be ideal. I think that will give me enough points to not have to worry about making it into selection. I also need to improve my push ups and sit ups a little, but not nearly as much as I need to improve my run. As it sits now, I can pass everything but the run in my age group. The problem is that I need to be able to pass in the 17-20 year old age group.I figure if I can max push ups and sit ups..then I really only need to pass the run ( get the 60 points ). All in all, I feel ok about where I am now because I have a few months to continue to get ready.

On a happier note...I really did have a great time in Boston! I do beleive it had more to do with the company I kept than the location. My sister is really lucky...she has some cool friends. Actually, Im not sure lucky is the right word. She's worked very hard for the past few years, and now she's enjoying the rewards. Im really impressed with her and what she's accomplished. She's kinda my hero now.


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