Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Unsat Airborne Physical

So yesterday I went to MEP's to have my ears looked at for my Airborne Physical. It did not go well. Apparently the doc there, who closely resembled Yoda, didn't see an movement in my timpanic membrane when I popped my ears. Now, before I get all crazy I need to mention that while I was on active duty in the Navy, I got damn near every physical for special duty they had. I had to in order to accept Direct Support Orders. I've had subsurface and flight physicals within the past 3 years, and never had a problem before. Needless to say, this puts a damper on any of my Plans in the Army. The 18X contract is almost as good as gone, I'm going to try and schedule another Airborne Physical, but I'm not very hopeful that the doc's vision will improve. I know I have been talking alot about going the officer route....but Airborne is an important qual to have for promotion in any Combat Arms Officer branch, it has from what I hear become fairly essential to career progression past Captain. So that leaves non-Combat Arms Branches. Not really what I'm looking for. It goes without saying that I have no shot at SFAS without a SAT Airborne Physical. Something tells me that an Active Duty Army doc would be able to see that my ears are fine, so hopefully, If I do lose my 18X contract, get accepted to OCS, and get a Combat Arms branch, I will then be able to pass an Airborne Physical.

I know I have been griping alot about things lately....I've been nervous, and when I get nervous I tend to bitch alot....but I never thought that I wouldn't be physically qualified for SF. I've never even had an ear infection. This is a major setback! It's definately discouraging. I keep faith that things will work out though.


Blogger SC said...

Go to your private doc and have him look at you. I don't care whether or not your recruiter says it won't do any good. Then have your doctor write a detailed letter explaining that your ears are fine. Make sure it specifically addresses what the MEPS doc found. Have your recruiter submit it, once again, even if he says it will do no good. You would be surprised what a good doctor's letter can do.

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What all goes on for your Airborne Physical? Im scheduled for one down at MEP's next week and I kind of want to prepare myself...

7:48 PM  

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