Monday, September 11, 2006

I sense a Disturbance in the Force

Ok, the more I think about it, the more suspicious I get about not going to the WTC and not having a branch assignment yet. I registered for the army OCS websites forums, and almost everyone has had their branch and follow on orders to BOLC II and BOLC III (whatever those are) and their OBC class dates already. Somehow, I can already feel the Army's hot breath on the back of my neck...both of its sweaty hands on my shoulders...whispering seductively into my ear, "this wont hurt a bit.....just relax..." This situation kinda reminds me of last night's Family Guy season premiere...where Peter goes to the doctor for a flu shot and ends up getting a Prostate exam. One of greatest fears is that I'll be branched Infantry and expected to complete jump school and RIP right after OCS....HMMM....oh well...

The run has me nervous, mainly because I havent been doing much (any) running lately. Of course I am now in the old man age group so I have 17 minutes to run the 2 miles....hopefully adrenaline will kick in and Ill do OK. I havent smoked in over a month now, so that should go in my favor during the run. It helps to be able to breathe.

I was given notice that TG resents being known as TG, so from now on...she will be known as HH6 (house hold 6). She wont get it, but all you mil-blogger types should. HH6 is understandably nervous and upset about my departure, but her continued love and support keep me going. It's going to be hard to be away from her for so long, but I guess we had better prepare for that. I really wish I had some kind of idea as to what Branch I'll get so we could start making plans for her to come and join me after OCS. I'm already looking forward to Christmas Exodus and coming home to her. It's going to be a nice break.

If I sound slightly panicked...well...I am. The ball is rolling a bit faster than I'd like it too, but there's nothing to do about it but hang on and hope for the best. With any luck I should have my commission by the end of January and more info well ahead of that.


Blogger SC said...

While it does seem odd that you don't have to go to WTC, I have never heard of anyone getting their branch assignment before going to OCS. They may be people already in the Army (I think they get theirs before hand) or maybe they're talking about what they hope to get, or their recruiters said "yeah you should be able to get that." Other than that I don't know.

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm also an Army OCS selected applicant and a poster on (more lurker than poster). BOLC stands for Basic Officer Leadership Course, and there are 3 phases. BOLC I is the commission route, whether OCS, ROTC, or West Point. BOLC II is a 6-week course that teaches new LTs to lead in combat. I believe II was developed late last year, and every new LT has to complete it. BOLC III is another name for OBC (the third phase of officer training). Follow-on schools (Airborne, Air Assault, RIP, etc.) are usually scheduled after OBC but can be scheduled in between phases if there's enough time and space in the class.

I'm a non-prior college op (still in college), but I believe prior service and applicants from other services are treated like college ops. We don't find out our branch until a few weeks into OCS. Only selected applicants currently on active duty in the Army find out their branch before OCS.

As for WTC, I don't know what is up with that. Some are being sent to it and others are not.

Hmm, this post is dated the 11th, so you may have figured all this out already, but I thought I would help anyway.

Good luck to you!

11:27 PM  

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