Monday, June 26, 2006


Finally! I finally did my daily Ruck route in under 15 minutes! This a a small victory for me becasue I have been getting frustrated with not being able to do it. The route I travel is all along main roads, so I'm on pavement the whole time, and I'm only carrying 35 lbs...conditions will never be this perfect again, so not being able to hit the 15 minute/mile pace has been getting on my nerves. Now that I have done it, I need to be able to do it next goal is to do 15 min./mile every time for the next 3 marches, then I'm going to to set another goal of 14:30 or faster. Baby steps. I'm also planning on upping the distance and weight this week.

I finally recieved the copy of "Get Selected" I ordered today. I've looked through it and it has ALOT of good information. It's a great resource. I've also been looking at the forums on and reading every post I can. With access to so much information, I really have no excuses. I have all the information I need to not only succeed, but to do well. I reccomend anyone who is considering Special Forces, to visit to get a copy of Get Selected,, and Even if you are not considering a career in SF, but in the military in general, there is alot of good advice to be found at these places.


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