Thursday, July 06, 2006

Good Day

So, Im officially kicking my own ass. Yesterday I did a 6 mile ruck, then went and ran two miles, and did another two miles with the Ruck. Legs were a wee bit tired today, but its worth it. I need alot more running though, my 2 mile time is pretty friggin awful. If I dont fix that I wont even make it out of OSUT, never mind airborne. Even getting to Selection is going to be a battle for me. I suppose its just the beginning of a never ending struggle. Speaking of never ending struggles....women. Must have been wearing my "fuck with my head, please" hat again today. Haha....the most insane thing about this situation is that this girl is doing all this via TEXT message. Holy Guacomole! Who the hell does that? I'm starting to believe this is a punishment from God for my misspent youth. Or maybe Im already dead and in purgatory. Who knows?
Anyway...I'm heading off into the Adirondacks for some quality time with my good friend mister Rucksack and some mountains. Im getting tired of walking along the side of the road and being close to cell towers. I few days in the hills and some pain will give me a chance to clear my head a little (hopefully). If nothing else, my Rage pushes me even harder, so I'll either come through this with a solid relationship or a stronger set of legs. Either way I win.


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