Well, today U.S. Special Operations Forces whacked Al-Zarqawi....the Al-Qaida's number 2 honcho. I can't say that I feel either good or bad about this. I mean, I'm sure that its a good thing as far as the war on terror goes, but I think its wrong to celebrate the death of another human being. Every time an IED goes off or some nutjob suicide bombs himself and a bunch of other innocent bystanders, those crazy fuckers get all riled up and dance around and praise god. What a bunch of crap. As I get closer to leaving for OSUT, I've been trying to come to grips with some of the fears I have. Part of that process is really deciding what your afraid of. I guess another fear I have (besides needles and jumping out of airplanes) is of people who celebrate the death of another human being. Or celebrate the death of anything for cruelty's sake. I'm also afraid of anyone who would seriously try and tell me that God wants me to kill for him, and anyone who believes that nonsense.
I was trying to explain to someone the other day why I joined the Army, and during the course of the conversation she said " I know your not afraid to die". Well....I immediately corrected her. I am afraid of dying, it's really not something I want to do. In the end though, we're all going to die, I just want my death to mean something. I would rather die helping others, wether it be fellow soliders, or people trying to build a country they can feel good about. I really believe that what we're doing in Iraq will one day make the world a better, safer place. I hope one day to have children, and I sincerely hope they dont have to deal with all the bullshit that's going on now.
Another reason I decided to join the Army is that I was tired of defending the war. I'm tired of arguing with people about wether or not we should be in Iraq. I feel, of course, that we should. Let me tell you, its much easier to feel that way in a college class room than in a foxhole. So I decided to put my money where my mouth is. If I really believed in the cause, I thought, I should do more than just talk about it.
Sorry for the profanity tonight....it's the former Sailor in me coming to the surface ;)